Hi friends! I leave for The World Race in September (11 countries in 11 months mission trip), and I need your help in my fundraising! I know many of you are college students and feel like you don’t have money to give. But by purchasing yourself or someone you love some of my gently used clothing/accessories, you can tithe, sponsor me, and get some cute new clothes all at once! All the money that you give will go directly to Adventures in Missions to help fund my journey serving the poor and oppressed across the world–and you will be able to see how your money helps touch lives and hearts all over the globe as I blog about my time with “the least of these.” So feel free to browse through the categories of items in the menu to the left, and if you see something you like or you have questions, you can leave a comment, facebook message me, or e-mail me at jessica.francis@my.maryvillecollege.edu. I would be happy to meet up with you to let you look through my items and try on anything you’d like! Thank you so much, and blessings to all of you beautiful people!

xxx JLF


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